New Acquisitions 2010-2022

14 April - 19 June 2022
Opening on Thursday, 14 April at 04:00 PM
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška (KGLU)
Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
Artists: Nika Autor, Boris Beja, Franc Berhtold, Fran Berneker, Saša Bezjak, Bogdan Borčić, Ida Brišnik Remec, Vesna Bukovec, Daniel Buren, Milan Butina, Matej Čepin, Sandi Červek, Lana Čmajčanin, Hermann Falke, Katja Felle, Fokus grupa, Jan Forsberg, Metod Frlic, Jårg Geismar, Gustav Gnamuš, Franjo Golob, Josip Gorinšek, Andrej Grošelj, Herman Gvardjančič, Mahmoud Hammad, David Herzog Leitinger, Barbara Jakše Jeršič, Gustav Januš, Anja Jerčič Jakob, Stane Jeršič, Heike Jobst, Ted Kramolc, Lojze Logar, Stanislav Makuc, Štefan Marflak, Robert Marin, Jure Markota, Valentin Oman, Janko Orač, Karel Pečko, Anastazija Pirnat, Herman Pivk, Boštjan Plesničar, Tadej Pogačar, Pino Poggi, Luka Popič, Uroš Potočnik, Peter Rauch – Skupnost, Tjaša Rener, Isa Rosenberger, Viktor Senkov, Darko Slavec, Lucija Stramec, Natalija Šeruga Golob, Maja Šivec, Škart, Seka Tavčar, Wolfgang Temmel, Jože Tisnikar, Tadej Vaukman, Aljaž Velički, Vladimir Veličković, Karl Vouk, Franc Vozelj, Sašo Vrabič, Moritz Walser, Joco Žnidaršič
Curated by Katarina Hergold Germ
To collect works of art and update out permanent museum collection is one of the central tasks of the Musum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška. The collection is based on a strategy related to our programme guidelines, which follow these basic directions: the first one is to collect works of art that engage with socially critical topics in current times. This is a continuation of the basic collection orientation that was shaped in the context of international exhibitions in the past century. The second direction is to collect works by artists from the region of Carinthia, as well as to continue to enrich the Homage to Tisnikar section. The collection also includes some works that do not belong to any of these directions, but have nevertheless become a part of it in specific circumstances.
The selected works at the exhibition were included in the collection in the past 12 years, either as purchases or as donations. Their main content emphases and the dialogues between the works express both the Museum’s international orientation and its regional character.