... Was ist Kunst? ... Resuming Fragmented Histories, 2015

From the personal vantage point of Adela Jušić and Lana Čmajčanin, these artists determined that it is impossible to not talk about the war in everyday life. In their performance I will never talk about the war again (2011), they attempt to express all of the emotions possible related to this particular circumstance, while also exploring the different ways of discussing the war, for example the ways in which nationalist parties use the constant memory of the war to sustain power and to perpetuate nationalist trenches among the populace of former Yugoslavia. 

Extract from ... Was ist Kunst? ... Resuming Fragmented Histories exhibition catalogue
Curated by Sandro Drosch & Christian Egger

... Was ist Kunst? ... Resuming Fragmented Histories 
Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien

253 pages, illustrations in colour, German/English
With texts by Sandro Droschl and Christian Egger, Marina Gržinić, Antonia Majača and Suzana Milevska
Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, 2015
Edited by Sandro Droschl
ISBN 978-3-86984-509-8